Appointments can now be booked as a face to face or telephone appointment. If offered a telephone appointment it may be at any time of the day, up to 18:30.
There are a number of on the day appointments available each day available from 08:00am and pre-bookable appointments available too.
When all the on the day appointments have been booked if your request is urgent you will be added to the list for the doctor On Call on the day. This will be a telephone appointment. The on call GP will contact you to ascertain the nature of the problem.
Routine nurse appointments for smears, blood pressure check etc can be booked at any time during the day. Blood test appointments are in the morning.

Extended Access
We are able to offer extended access appointments at other surgeries, please ask at reception for details.
Choice of Practitioner
The practice doctors work on a pooled list principle. Patients can request to be seen by the doctor of their choice for routine appointments only. On the day appointments or emergencies will be allocated to available doctors on that day.
If you would like a chaperone present during an examination, please ask the doctor or nurse who will make the arrangements for you. Please note in all cases the practice chaperone policy will be followed.
Telephone Advice
The Doctors and the Nurses are happy to provide advice over the telephone. Should you have a query please let the receptionist know and your call will be returned during the course of the day. Please ensure we have your correct telephone number and that you are able to accept incoming calls.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. We do take it seriously if patients fail to attend for appointments.