Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat medication is normally issued in sufficient quantity for 28 days. Prescriptions can be repeated for as long as they are authorised by the clinician. To request a repeat prescription you can:
- Request the required items through the Online Patient Access system (SystmOnline).
- By phoning the Medicines Order Line on 01246 588860 between the hours of 9.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday.
- By handing in your request over the counter to the reception team no more than 5 days before your medication is due.
A minimum of 1 week's notice is required between requesting and collecting all prescriptions so that it can be prepared and signed by the doctor.
If you enclose a stamped addressed envelope we will be happy to post it back to you. Local chemists also provide a collection and delivery service.
Requests for repeat prescriptions are not taken over the telephone for Medico-Legal reasons as errors can occur in verbal communication.
Under 16’s are not allowed to collect repeat prescriptions and if someone will be collecting your prescription on your behalf please let reception know.
Local Chemists do provide a collection and delivery service:
Pinxton Pharmacy - 01773 810233
Well Pharmacy - South Normanton 01773 811241
Blackwell Pharmacy - 01773 862323
Please feel free to call and discuss this with them.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appointment for a medication review well in advance to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.